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A Guide to buying Outdoor Furniture in Dubai

Adams Furniture

Updated: Jul 9, 2023

At Adams Furniture in Dubai, We offer the two most popular types of garden furniture i.e Solid Teak Wood furniture and Synthetic Rattan Outdoor Furniture in Dubai. Rattan has gained more popularity recently however which type should you use for your garden? Read below for a comparison between the two types.

Both Teak and Rattan are great products for the garden and both offer advantages and disadvantages.

Teak has been used for Outdoor Furniture in Dubai for many years and if properly constructed can last much longer than other types of furniture. Teak is a very strong wood that is resistant to termite attack. It is well suited to the rigors of outdoor furniture and can withstand the harsh summer in the middle east.

Teak Outdoor Dining Set
Outdoor Dining Set in a combination of Teak & Rattan

Teak wood is often finished with one of two types of coating. Teak oil is brushed over the surface of teak to provide a protective coating for the wood. Teak oil generally lasts between 1-3 months before reapplication is required. The second option is Polyurethane lacquer or PU for Short. This is a solution that is applied over the furniture in several coats and provides a much longer protective wood coating i.e 12 to 18 months depending on its usage. So with proper care and maintenance Teak wood outdoor furniture can last as long as you want it to.

Synthetic Rattan on the other hand is very different to teak wood. It is constructed with a aluminium powder coated frame with the rattan fiber woven over this frame. If properly coated the frame wont rust. The joints with 360 welding will ensure they are strong. The fiber should be of a high quality such as by Viro and Rehau to ensure they last. If all of these have been done then good synthetic rattan furniture can last at least 5+ years depending on the usage that it gets.

Synthetic rattan garden furniture, like with all furniture will last as long as it is cared for properly. Rattan Furniture unlike teak is lightweight meaning it is easy to move. Also it is easy to clean requiring just a hose down when dirty.

So both types offer their distinct advantages and disadvantages. In the end taste will offer as much a factor as the durability however the above points are important to consider when purchasing new garden furniture.

Outdoor Rattan Furniture in Dubai
Synthetic Rattan Furniture in Dubai

1 комментарий

Joseph Brod
Joseph Brod
02 янв.

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